Panna Count Chart
The count of a Pana is that the total of three digits of the Pana
The total of a Pana is expressed as A+B+C=X
If X is a smaller amount than nine, X is as derived.
If X is larger than 9, as an example XY, X+Y=Z we have a tendency to change it any till we get solely single digit.
Example : 170 = 1+7+0 = eight (8 is that the Count of Pana)
179 = 1+7+9 = seventeen ( Here, since, seventeen is larger than nine, 1+7 = eight is taken into account s Count)
Panel Count Chart
118, 127, 136, 145, 190,
226, 235, 244, 280, 334,
370, 460, 550, 100, 777,
199, 289, 379, 388, 469,
478, 559, 568, 577, 667
299, 389, 479, 488, 569,
578, 668, 677, 119, 128,
137, 146, 155, 227, 236,
245, 290, 335, 344, 380,
470, 560, 110, 200, 444
399, 489, 579, 588, 669,
678, 129, 138, 147, 156,
228, 237, 246, 255, 336,
345, 390, 480, 570, 660,
120, 300, 111
499, 589, 679, 688, 778,
139, 148, 157, 166, 229,
238, 247, 256, 337, 346,
355, 445, 490, 580, 670,
112, 130, 220, 400, 888
599, 689, 779, 788, 149,
158, 167, 239, 248, 257,
266, 338, 347, 356, 446,
455, 590, 680, 770, 113,
122, 140, 230, 500, 555
699, 789, 159, 168, 177,
249, 258, 267, 339, 348,
357, 366, 447, 456, 690,
780, 114, 123, 150, 240,
330, 600, 222
799, 889, 169, 178, 259,
268, 277, 349, 358, 367,
448, 457, 466, 556, 790,
880, 115, 124, 133, 160,
223, 250, 340, 700, 999
899, 179, 188, 269, 278,
359, 368, 377, 449, 458,
467, 557, 566, 890, 116,
125, 134, 170, 224, 233,
260, 350, 440, 800, 666
189, 279, 288, 369, 378,
459, 468, 477, 558, 567,
990, 117, 126, 135, 144,
180, 225, 234, 270, 360,
450, 900, 333